*These Authors Contributed Equally; #Corresponding Author(s)
M.C. Schulte, A.C. Boll, N.L. Conomos, F. Rezaei, A.G. Schrum, and B.D. Ulery#. “Adjuvant Templating Improves On-Target/Off-Target Antibody Ratio Better Than Linker Addition for M2-Derived Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Vaccines.” Submitted to Vaccines (Feb 2025)
X. Wang, A.T. Barcellona, F. Nowruzi, K. Brandt, M.C. Schulte, L.E. Kruse, E. Dong, A.G. Schrum, E.S. Yolcu, and B.D. Ulery#. “Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Material Properties Influence Their Cell Association and Internalization.” bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598391 – Accepted by Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (Feb 2025)
R. Zhang, B.T. Rygelski, L.E. Kruse, J.D. Smith, X. Wang, B.N. Allen, J.S. Kramer, G.F. Seim, T.J. Faulkner, H. Kuang, E. Kokkoli, A.G. Schrum, and B.D. Ulery#. “Adjuvant Delivery Method and Nanoparticle Charge Influence Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Vaccine Bioactivity.” bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598369 – Submitted to Frontiers in Immunology (Feb 2025)
M.C. Schulte, A.C. Boll, A.T. Barcellona, E. Lopez, A.G. Schrum, and B.D. Ulery#. “Peptide Antigen Modifications Influence the On-Target and Off-Target Antibody Response for an Influenza Subunit Vaccine.” Vaccines. 13(1):51 (Jan 2025)
J. Zhou, M.A. Sheridan, Y. Tian, K.J. Dahlgren, M. Messler, T. Peng, T. Ezashi, L.C. Schulz, B.D. Ulery, R.M Roberts, and D.J. Schust#. “Development of properly-polarized trophoblast stem cell-derived organoids to model early human pregnancy.” bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2023.09.30.560327v1 – Accepted by iScience (Jan 2025)
K.J. Dahlgren, A.J. Hemmerla, M.A. Moore, D. Calle, and B.D. Ulery#. “Cytoprotective and Neuroinductive Effects of Thiol-Containing Simple Signaling Molecules.” Regenerative Engineering & Translational Medicine 10(4):440-450 (Dec 2024)
M.C. Schulte, A.T. Barcellona, X. Wang, A.G. Schrum, and B.D. Ulery#. “M2e-Derived Peptidyl and Peptide Amphiphile Micelles as Novel Influenza Vaccines.” Pharmaceuticals. 17(11):1503 (Nov 2024)
B.T. Darkow, J.P. Herbert, M.J. Messler, A. Grisolano, A.J. Hemmerla, A.D. Kimes, J. Lanza, Y. Sun, J.R. Crim, D. Stensby, C. Wan, D.K. Moore, and B.D. Ulery#. “Spinal Fusion Properties of Mechanically-Reinforced, Osteomodulatory Chitosan Hydrogels.” bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.26.493540 – Submitted to Biomedical Materials (Nov 2024)
L.E. Kruse, B.D. Ulery, and K.D. Hammond#. “Generalization of the Packing Parameter for Quantifying the Morphology of Peptide Amphiphile Micelles.” bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.10.598326 – Submitted to Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Aug 2024)
S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi, T.J. Faulkner, R.R. Tata, A.J. Hemmerla, S.E. Huddleston, F. Rezaei, E.S. Lungren, R. Zhang, E.E. Bumann, and B.D. Ulery#. “Hydrogen Sulfide Delivery to Enhance Bone Tissue Engineering Cell Survival.” Pharmaceuticals. 17(5):585 (May 2024)
Xiaofei Wang, Rui Zhang, Bryce D. Lindaman, Caitlin N. Leeper, Adam G. Schrum, and Bret D. Ulery#. “Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Chemical Structure and Hydrophobic Domain Influence Immunomodulatory Potentiation” ACS Applied Bio Materials 2022 5 (4), 1464-1475
J.D. Smith, L.N. Cardwell, D. Porciani, A. Nolla, B. Cornelison, M.C. Schulte, F. Gallazzi, D.H. Burke, M.A. Daniels, and B.D. Ulery#. “Therapeutic Peptide Delivery via Aptamer-Displaying, Disulfide-Linked Peptide Amphiphile Micelles.” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. (Submitted)
J.D. Smith, L.N. Cardwell, D. Porciani, A.J. Greenwald, A.C. Ellis, M.C. Schulte, E.T. Schoenherr, G.F. Seim, J.E. Anderson, J.A. Nguyen, R.R. Tata, D.H. Burke, M.A. Daniels, and B.D. Ulery#. “Lipidated Poly(amino acid) Nanostructures as Versatile Therapeutic Delivery Vehicles.” Journal of Materials Chemistry Part B. (Submitted)
S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi, E.S. Lungren, T.J. Faulkner, M.A. Josselet, Y. Wu, Y. Sun, F.M. Pfeiffer, C.L. Goldstein, C. Wan, and B.D. Ulery#. “Inductive Co-Crosslinking of Chitosan / Cellulose Nanocrystal Hydrogels for Treatment of Vertebral Compression Fractures.” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 130: 88-98 (Jun 2019) [Link]
S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi, E.S. Lungren, J.L. Stromsdorfer, B.T. Darkow, J.A. Nguyen, Y. Sun, F.M. Pfeiffer, C.L. Goldstein, C. Wan, and B.D. Ulery#. “Effect of Dibasic Calcium Phosphate Incorporation on Cellulose Nanocrystal / Chitosan Hydrogel Physical Properties and Bioactivity.” The AAPS Journal. 21: 41 (May 2019) [Link]
J.D. Smith, L.N. Cardwell, D. Porciani, J.A. Nguyen, R. Zhang, F. Gallazzi, R.R. Tata, D.H. Burke, M.A. Daniels, and B.D. Ulery#. “Aptamer-Displaying Peptide Amphiphile Micelles as a Cell-Targeted Delivery Vehicle of Peptide Cargoes.” Physical Biology. 15(6): 065006 (Oct 2018) [Link]
R. Zhang, J.D. Smith, B.N. Allen, J.S. Kramer, M. Schauflinger, and B.D. Ulery#. “Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Vaccine Size and Charge Influences the Host Immune Response.” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 4(7): 2463-2472 (Jul 2018) [Link]
R. Zhang, L.D. Morton, J.D. Smith, F. Gallazzi, T.A. White, and B.D. Ulery#. “Instructive Design of Triblock Peptide Amphiphiles for Structurally Complex Micelle Formation.” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 4(7): 2330-2339 (Jul 2018) [Link]
R. Zhang, C.N. Leeper, X. Wang, T.A. White, and B.D. Ulery#. “Immunomodulatory Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Amphiphile Micelles.” Biomaterials Science. 6(7): 1717-1722 (Jul 2018) [Link]
S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi, B.N. Allen, J.L. Stromsdorfer, J.S. Kramer, X. Li, and B.D. Ulery#. “Calcium and Phosphate Ions as Simple Signaling Molecules with Versatile Osteoinductivity.” Biomedical Materials. 13(5): 055005 (Jun 2018) [Link]
R. Zhang, J.S. Kramer, J.D. Smith, B.N. Allen, C.N. Leeper, X. Li, L.D. Morton, F. Gallazzi, and B.D. Ulery#. “Vaccine Adjuvant Incorporation Strategy Dictates Peptide Amphiphile Micelle Immunostimulatory Capacity.” The AAPS Journal. 20(4): 73 (Jun 2018) [Link]
R. Zhang and B.D. Ulery#. “Synthetic Vaccine Design and Characterization”. Journal of Bionanoscience. 12(1): 1-11 (Feb 2018) [Link]
S. Ali Akbari Ghavimi*, R.R. Tata*,#, D. Greenwald, B.N. Allen, D.A. Grant, S.A. Grant, M.W. Lee, and B.D. Ulery#. “Controlled Ion Release from Novel Polyester/Ceramic Composites Enhances Osteoinductivity.” The AAPS Journal. 19(4): 1029-1044 (Jul 2017) [Link]
S.E. Smith, C.L. Snider, D.R. Gilley, D.N. Grant, S.L. Sherman, B.D. Ulery, D.A. Grant, and S.A. Grant#. “Homogenized Porcine Extracellular Matrix Derived Injectable Tissue Construct with Gold Nanoparticles for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Applications.” Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology. 8(2): 125-143 (Apr 2017) [Link]
E.J. Carbone, K. Rajpura, B.N. Allen, E.S. Cheng, B.D. Ulery, and K.W. Lo#. “Osteotropic Nanoscale Drug Delivery Systems Based on Small Molecule Bone-Targeting Moieties.” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 13(1): 37-47 (Aug 2016) [Link]
J.D. Smith*, L.D. Morton*, and B.D. Ulery#. “Nanoparticles as Synthetic Vaccines.” Current Opinion in Biotechnology. 34: 217-224 (Aug 2015) [Link]
K.A. Black, B.F. Lin, E.A. Wonder, S.S. Desai, E.J. Chung, B.D. Ulery, R.S. Katari, and M.V. Tirrell#. “Biocompatibility and Characterization of a Peptide Amphiphile Hydrogel for Applications in Peripheral Nerve Tissue Regeneration.” Tissue Engineering Part A. 21(7-8): 1333-1342 (Apr 2015) [Link]
A. Trent*, B.D. Ulery*, M.J. Black, J.C. Barrett, S. Liang, Y. Kostenko, N.A. David, and M.V. Tirrell#. “Peptide Amphiphile Micelles Self-Adjuvant Group A Streptococcal Vaccination.” The AAPS Journal. 17(2): 380-388 (Mar 2015) [Link]
K.W.H. Lo*, B.D. Ulery*, K.M. Ashe, H.M. Kan, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Evaluating the Feasibility of Utilizing the Small Molecule Phenamil as a Novel Osteoinductive Factor for Bone Regenerative Engineering.” Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. 8(9): 728-736 (Sept 2014)
E.K. Cushnie*, B.D. Ulery*, S.J. Nelson, M. Deng, S. Sethuraman, K.W.H. Lo, Y.M. Khan, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Simple Signaling Molecules for Inductive Bone Tissue Engineering.” PLoS One. 9(7): e101627 (Jul 2014) [Link]
B.D. Ulery, H. M. Kan, B.C. Williams, B. Narasimhan, K.W.H. Lo, L.S. Nair, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Facile Fabrication of Polymer/Anesthetic Nanoparticles with Tunable Release Kinetics.” Advanced Healthcare Materials. 3(6): 843-847 (Jun 2014) [Link]
Q. Lv, M. Deng, B.D. Ulery, L.S. Nair, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Nano-Ceramic Effects on Stem Cells in Bioreactor Bone Engineering Systems.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 471(8): 2422-2433 (Aug 2013) [Link]
P. L. Foley, B.D. Ulery, H. M. Kan, M. V. Burks, Z. Cui, Q. Wu, L.S. Nair, and C.T. Laurencin#. “A Chitosan Thermogel for Delivery of Ropivacaine in Regional Musculoskeletal Anaesthesia.” Biomaterials. 34(10): 2539-2546 (Mar 2013) [Link]
E.N. James, B.D. Ulery, and L.S. Nair#. “Biomaterials for Therapeutic Gene Delivery.” Ceramic Transactions. 237: 191-211 (Feb 2013) [Link]
K.W.H. Lo*, B.D. Ulery*, K.M. Ashe, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Studies of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Based Surgical Repair.” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 64(12): 1277-1291 (Sept 2012) [Link]
M.S. Peach, S.G. Kumbar, R. James, U.S. Toti, D. Balasubramaniam, M. Deng, B.D. Ulery, A.D. Mazzocca, M.B. McCarthy, N.L. Morozowich, H.R. Allcock, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Design and Optimization of Polyphosphazene Functionalized Fiber Matrices for Soft Tissue Regeneration.” Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 8(1): 107-124 (Feb 2012) [Link]
B.D. Ulery*, L.K. Petersen*, Y. Phanse, C.S. Kong, S.R. Broderick, D. Kumar, A. E. Ramer-Tait, B. Carillo-Conde, K. Rajan, B.H. Bellaire, M.J. Wannemuehler, D.W. Metzger, and B. Narasimhan#. “Rational Design of Pathogen-Mimicking Amphiphilic Materials as Nanoadjuvants.” Scientific Reports. 1(198) (Dec 2011) [Link]
M. Deng, S.G. Kumbar, K.W.H. Lo, B.D. Ulery, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Novel Polymer-Ceramics for Bone Repair and Regeneration.” Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering. 4(3): 168-184 (Dec 2011) [Link]
K.W.H. Lo*, B.D. Ulery*, M. Deng, K.M. Ashe, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Current Patents on Osteoinductive Molecules for Bone Tissue Engineering.” Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering. 4(3): 153-167 (Dec 2011) [Link]
L.K. Petersen, A.E. Ramer-Tait, S.R. Broderick, C.S. Kong, B.D. Ulery, K. Rajan, M.J. Wannemuehler, and B. Narasimhan#. “Activation of Innate Immune Responses in a Pathogen-Mimicking Manner by Amphiphilic Polyanhydride Nanoparticle Adjuvants.” Biomaterials. 32(28): 6815 - 6822 (Oct 2011) [Link]
B.D. Ulery, L.S. Nair, and C.T. Laurencin#. “Biomedical Applications of Biodegradable Polymers.” Journal of Polymer Physics Part B: Polymer Physics. 49(12): 832 - 864 (Jun 2011) [Link]
B.D. Ulery*, D. Kumar*, A.E. Ramer-Tait, D.W. Metzger, M.J. Wannemuehler, and B. Narasimhan#. “Design of a Protective Single-Dose Intranasal Nanoparticle-Based Vaccine Platform for Respiratory Infectious Diseases.” PLoS One. 6(3): e17642 (Mar 2011) [Link]
B.D. Ulery, Y. Phanse, A. Sinha, M.J. Wannemuehler, B. Narasimhan#, and B.H. Bellaire#. “Polymer Chemistry Influences Monocytic Uptake of Polyanhydride Nanospheres.” Pharmaceutical Research. 26(3): 683 - 690 (Mar 2009) [Link]